Run an application with automatic Scope instrumentation

usage: scope-run [-h] [--apikey APIKEY] [--api-endpoint API_ENDPOINT]
                 [--name SERVICE] [--commit COMMIT] [--repository REPOSITORY]
                 [--branch BRANCH] [--root ROOT] [--debug] [--version]

Positional Arguments

command command to run

Named Arguments

--apikey, -k API key to use when sending data to Scope [$SCOPE_APIKEY]
--api-endpoint, -e
 API endpoint of the Scope installation to send data to [$SCOPE_API_ENDPOINT]
--name, -n, --service
 Service name to use when sending data to Scope [$SCOPE_SERVICE]
--commit, -c Override autodetected commit hash for this application [$SCOPE_COMMIT_SHA]
--repository, -r
 Override autodetected repository URL for this application [$SCOPE_REPOSITORY]
--branch, -b Override autodetected branch for this application [$SCOPE_BRANCH]
--root Override autodetected repository root path for this application [$SCOPE_SOURCE_ROOT]
--debug, -D Log debugging information to the console [$SCOPE_DEBUG]
--version, -v Print version information and exit